Mad Mad Modes for Moderns Monday!

To help start your week off with a bang, I declare that Mondays shall be devoted to the DC fashion featurette "Mad Mad Modes for Moderns" here at Sequential Crush!!! These gorgeous fashion spreads not only showcase the latest fashions of the day but really give a good feel for a variety of artists. This evening's sample comes from Falling in Love #94 (October 1967), as rendered by Tony Abruzzo.

Mod vintage fashion illustration 

Though these pages are from over 40 years ago, I can most certainly see these outfits on the catwalks of today. Who knew that romance comics were so timeless?!

Mod vintage fashion illustration

I hope you enjoyed this first installment of "Mad Mad Modes for Moderns Monday" - phew - now that's a tongue twister! While you practice saying that three times fast, be sure to check out the latest poll!