Paul - The Most Sensitive Guy in Romance Comics!

Paul guy advice columnist

As a response to the mean-spirited Marc of Young Love, DC introduced in issue #140 of Falling in Love (March/April 1973), the kinder, gentler male perspective in the form of advice column, "Paul - The Other Side!" Notice that Paul is cool with the "Libbers" and believes that "everyone's got the right to speak his or her mind..." Right on, Paul!

Paul and Marc DC advice columnists

I think my favorite thing about Paul's column is his picture. It appears to be the photo of Marc, just reversed and with a mustache -- but hey! Let us suspend our disbelief and go with it. Paul -- twin brother of Marc, he is!

It should be noted that Falling in Love only lasted three issues beyond this one, and "Paul - The Other Side" was continued in subsequent issues of Young Romance. The title move was very fitting, considering that Marc's column appeared in Young Love.

Who do you like better? Marc or Paul?