1972 Romance Comic Book Contest - "The Woman I Want To Be!" from DC's Falling in Love

romance comic book contest women

Not only do I love the stories of the romance comics, I love the stuff in between the stories, including the contests that were held to engage with readers. The following pages are from a contest that was held in Falling in Love called, "The Woman I Want to Be." Readers were encouraged to write in about their future plans, hopes, and dreams for a chance to win $5.00 (equivalent to approximately $25 today).

contest reveal your dreams

National Periodical Publications asks: "Do you look forward to a happy marriage? Or a successful career?"

Contest announcement from Falling in Love #133 (June 1972)

Contest announcement from Falling in Love #133 (June 1972)

The contest's first winner, 15-year-old Alice Evans declared to the DC editorial staff and fellow readers, "I really feel that I could manage both a home life and a business career, and I want to grow up to be the kind of woman who does."

First contest winners Falling in Love #134 (July 1972)

First contest winners Falling in Love #134 (July 1972)

The second first prize winner, Eve Davidson had the greater good in mind when she wrote, "I want to be the kind of woman who extends her love beyond her own home. I hope to have a happy marriage and a family, but I would also like to do something for the world."

Second round of winners Falling in Love #135 (August 1972)

Second round of winners Falling in Love #135 (August 1972)

The big deal is: girls in various parts of the country, East or West, North or South, big city or small town, are beginning to feel that being a woman is a wonderful thing in today’s world.

The final winner of "The Woman I Want to Be!" contest was a young lady named Frieda Margolin who shared that along with marrying a "fine man," her dreams included "...working hard in school to get good grades, so I can go on to a college with a good veterinary school. That way I'll earn money as a vet so I can get my own farm someday."

Final contest winners Falling in Love #136 (September 1972)

Final contest winners Falling in Love #136 (September 1972)

These letters are quite moving, no?! It is so cool that they are not only pages of text, but documents that give a view into the audience of conscientious young ladies who were reading romance comics in the '70s! Not only do I wonder if these young women achieved their goals, I have to wonder if DC held on to all their letters in their archives or if they were regarded as throw-away pieces of everyday business? Either way, I definitely feel lucky that we have these three responses to treasure!