Video - NYCC 2014 Panel "Granddaughters of the Comic Book Revolution: The Golden Age Lives!"

This fall has been rather eventful for me, convention-wise. Last month I spoke at Wizard World Nashville about romance comics and my grandfather, Golden Age creator and artist, Mart Nodell. When I was asked to be on a panel at the New York City Comic Con along with other comic book grandkids in a panel titled "Granddaughters of the Comic Book Revolution: The Golden Age Lives!" I was pretty bummed that I wasn't going to be able to attend. Luckily, Travis Langley (panel moderator) graciously arranged for me to participate in the panel via Skype where I joined the other wonderful and affable panelists, Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson, Chelle Mayer, and Athena Finger in a lively discussion about our grandfathers and our own work in the comic book industry. Thankfully, audience member, Lawrence Brenner was kind enough to film the panel, and I've put the first part here for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

If you'd like to watch all four parts on YouTube they can be found at the following links: part one, part two, part three, and part four!