Romance Romp + Poll Results

In our most recent poll, Miss Page Peterson took the cake! Readers of Sequential Crush would have rather listened to her advice over Mr. Marc's or Suzan's. If you didn't get a chance to vote in that one, fear not! I have a new one up, and it is sure to be a discussion-provoking one!

true to life romance comic books

Ready for some links? I thought so!

  • If you haven't already checked out the in-depth romance comic book blog Out of This World, hop to it! KB has a lot of great posts -- many of them concerning the depiction of nurses in romance comics.
  • As Told to Stan Lee is the newest of the romance comic book blogs. Drop by and join Spectergirl on her journey through the loveliest of comic book genres!
  • Another new blog out there is Apocolyte's World of Comics, which has promised to cover all sorts of various comic books, including romance!

Well, everyone, that's it for me tonight! Enjoy these links, and be sure to weigh-in at the poll station [CLOSED]!!!