Charlton's "Find-a-Word" Puzzle Page!

Charlton comics puzzle pages

Here's something a little different for you! Word puzzles from Charlton! These ingenious little one-pagers acted not only as filler content but as advertising for the separate Charlton publications, Find-A-Word and Seek-a-Word. These puzzles appeared in numerous Charlton titles in the '70s, which accounts for the motley subject matter. Not that naval ships aren't romantic, but...

Teen Confessions #84 (January 1974)

Teen Confessions #84 (January 1974)

I Love You #108 (September 1974)

I Love You #108 (September 1974)

Time for Love #36 (October 1973)

Time for Love #36 (October 1973)

Teen-Age Love #94 (August 1973)

Teen-Age Love #94 (August 1973)

Secret Romance #29 (October 1974)

Secret Romance #29 (October 1974)

Love and Romance #20 (January 1975)

Love and Romance #20 (January 1975)

Time for Love #40 (February 1975)

Time for Love #40 (February 1975)

Find all the words? Good! Now go out there and have a great day!