Happy Women's History Month 2012!

Women's History Month Romance Comic books Sequential Crush

March is upon us, and so is Women's History Month! To kick things off, here are a few of my favorite posts from last March!

A look at how Marvel, DC, and Charlton depicted the Women's Movement through three different stories!

A look at how Marvel, DC, and Charlton depicted the Women's Movement through three different stories!

A Hot Pants Romance! Young Love's "Daughter of Women's Lib."

A Hot Pants Romance! Young Love's "Daughter of Women's Lib."

Charlton, always on the slightly bizarre side gives you its own taste of the Women's Movement with "A Strange Good-Bye" and "I Hate You, Darling."

Charlton, always on the slightly bizarre side gives you its own taste of the Women's Movement with "A Strange Good-Bye" and "I Hate You, Darling."

The Bechdel Test as applied to romance comics!

The Bechdel Test as applied to romance comics!

Some sequential advice, "Should I Give Up My Career for Marriage?" from a 1952 issue of Love Problems and Advice Illustrated.

Some sequential advice, "Should I Give Up My Career for Marriage?" from a 1952 issue of Love Problems and Advice Illustrated.

Enjoy these links and stay tuned for more Women's History Month goodness, right here at Sequential Crush!!!